viernes, 31 de enero de 2014

January Instagram Review

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Sendra doing just what he does best

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Matrioshkas kinda factory 

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In an 'eat as much as you want to' restaurant

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In an everlasting queue under the rain waiting to go inside a huge Mango outlet

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Original price 211.96€, outlet price 13€ - Such a bargain!

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Baking time. A coulant I made with sister following Marta's @I'm a foodie and that's it recipe

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Wool pink biker-like coat under construction 

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Say 'hi!', croissant

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A 100% handmade bag 

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Winter evening walks

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One of my latest DIY treasures

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Studying together it tastes better

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Sisters' newest  items

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Items and treasures-to-be

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We've so been int backing lately - next challenge? The 'Rainbow cake'

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Knit + shirt 

You'll find me @theycalledmequietgirl


lunes, 27 de enero de 2014

Girl in a beanie

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Sin complicaciones, así es como me gusta vestir para diario. Y si es posible con un abrigo con bolsillos y con un gorrito que proteja mis orejas del frío y mantenga mi pelo alejado del estilo "león". 
Easy-going. That's how my everyday styling is made. If possible, wearing a coat with pockets and a beanie that keeps my ears away from freezing and helps keeping my hair away from such a lion'-like style.

Abrigo - Friday's Project
Camiseta - Zara
Beanie y bolso - Primark
Botines - Mango 


PD: Aprovecho para agradecerle a mi chico, Joan, la paciencia y el tiempo que me dedica para que este blog sea posible. Gràcies amor!

miércoles, 22 de enero de 2014

Hey baby, take a walk in the wild, wild, wild, wild side pt.2

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La segunda parte de un outfit post de Diciembre / Second part of a December outfit post

Jersey - DIY
Pantalones + biker - Zara
Bufanda - Primark
Gafas - RayBan
Bolso - ? regalo de mi hermana


lunes, 20 de enero de 2014

December Instagram Review

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Cupcake craving at first sight
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Breakfast with girls.Saturday morning plan. Latte coffees, croissants, hot chocolate and muffins in the best company. 

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Anna's coat under construction
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Funny cupcakes for Anna's bday

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Favourite Matrioshka's creation

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Mother-in-law's xmas decoration

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Pajama party with boyfriend -xmas presents

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When I started the wool pink biker-like coat

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Sendra, proudly (?) wearing my creations

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More funny cakes thanks to Joan

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Xmas sweet sugar dolls

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Starting a collection called 'Les bijoux de grand-maman'

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After hours cooking, here it was the reward. A super savoury New Year's Eve dinner!

You'll find me @theycalledmequietgirl


viernes, 17 de enero de 2014

DIY Wool Pink Biker-like Coat

Debo confesar que la archicnocida biker en lana rosa llamó mi atención. Aunque quizás no lo suficiente para comprarla -llevo bastante tiempo sin comprar prendas de abrigo, de hecho; pero sí en cambio para animarme a hacer mi propia versión. 
Me decidí a ello al encontrar unos retales que me había regalado la chica de la tienda de retales a la que soy asidua: no eran suficientemente grandes como para venderlos, pero a mí me ha bastado. Así que compré una cremallera y unos botones, y me puse manos a la obra.

I must confess. The well-known wool biker coat in pink caught my attention. Weeks later I decided to start a kinda new project with some pieces of fabric I had been given for free by the shop assistant - they weren't big enough to be sold but I still had enough.
As you may know, I'm kind of into the biker jacket pattern and I know I can manage with it pretty good, so I didn't hesitate - I bought a zipper and the metal button and here it is!

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Las fotos del proceso pertenecen al cuello, las solapas y la cremallera, que son las partes más delicadas de este patrón. 
Por cierto, la cosí entera a mano. Y, aunque pueda parecer un tostón, también tiene sus ventajas, como poder coser por la noche mirando la tele, o poder hacer las partes delicadas sin perder los nervios.

The photos I took belong to the neckline and the collar plus the zipper seams, which can be the most difficult parts of the process. I hope they are useful. 
I made it all by hand - I am still having problems with the sewing machine. Nevertheless, I find sewing by hand can be terribly workable.

Podéis ver otras creaciones en las que utilizé el patrón de una biker aquí y aquí.
Check other pieces sewn by using a biker jacket pattern here and here